2023-2024 Parent Information
The identification process is in compliance with the Ohio Department of Education guidelines, and uses only nationally-normed tests on the state approved list. Subjective criteria are not used.
Referral: Students can be referred for assessment by parents, teachers, or the students themselves. Referral forms are available on the district website, or at the ESCLC website.
Screening: Students in grades 2 and 4 will receive whole-grade screening using the Cognitive Ability Test (CogAT) and IOWA Tests of Basic Skills for Math and Reading. Students in grades 6-8 will be screened using MAP Math and Reading assessments.
Assessment: Following whole-grade screening, small group and/or individual assessment is provided for students who meet the threshold for further assessments, pending parent permission.
Assurances: The district meets the ODE requirements for evaluation of students who are culturally diverse, economically disadvantaged, students with physical and sensory disabilities, and students who have limited English proficiency. The district identifies using only state-approved tests, which are administered by trained personnel.
Outside Testing/Transfer Students: The district will review transfer students’ records, and will accept outside testing results for gifted services, if the assessment has been administered within the last 24 months and is on the ODE-approved list.
Acceleration: The district has a state-approved plan in place. The specific referral, screening, and assessment process is detailed on the district or ESCLC websites.
Appeal: The district has an appeals process for decisions regarding screening, identification, and placement. The initial step in the process is to submit a written statement to the building principal, explaining your reason for the appeal.
Waiver: The district has a waiver of assignments procedure.
Withdrawal: The district has procedures by which the parents can withdraw their students from service if they feel the child is unsuccessful in the service, or that the service is not meeting the needs of the child. Parents should contact their Gifted Supervisor or principal for an initial conference. If a student is not achieving or struggling with the expectations of the service, a parent-teacher conference will determine if this is the most appropriate placement. Withdrawal requires parent permission.
Program Services
Gifted services offered by the district are in accordance with the Ohio Gifted Operating Standards. The district ensures equal opportunity for all students identified as gifted, so that they may receive any gifted services offered by the district for which they are eligible.
2023-2024 Program Criteria: For detailed information, please reference Board Policy. Updated rubric criteria for placement in effect as of January 2022. Contact GIS or Cathy Fischer for details.
Gifted Intervention Specialists (GIS) and Teachers of the Gifted provide high-level instruction that is differentiated to meet students’ affective, creative, and intellectual abilities, extending the curriculum beyond grade-level standards. The GIS and general education teachers collaborate to foster intellectual rigor, creative expression, autonomy, and to enrich talent.
Furry Elementary
Grades K-2
Students identified as gifted receive services provided by their classroom teacher, with support from the Gifted supervisor, within the general education classroom. General Education service providers receive ODE-mandated gifted professional development.
Meadowlawn Intermediate
Grades 3-4
The Gifted Intervention Specialist supports the classroom teacher in differentiating and enriching core grade-level concepts for ELA and Math through a hybrid of resource supports, push-in and resource room options.
Grade 5 ELA/Math
Students identified as gifted in Cognitive, Reading, and/or Math domains engage in ELA and Mathematics instruction with the Gifted Intervention Specialist, who is the teacher of record.
Briar Middle School
Grades 6-8 ELA
The ELA curriculum is delivered by the Gifted Teacher, who is the teacher of record.
Grades 6-8 Accelerated Math
Students who qualify for accelerated math, based upon objective criteria, are instructed at a grade-accelerated level.
Grades 6-8 Math/Science
General education Math and Science teachers, who have received ODE-mandated Gifted Professional Development, provide instruction within cluster-groups of gifted students, with guidance from the GIS.
Perkins High School
Grades 9-12
Honors level, Advanced Placement (AP), Academy Experience, and College Credit Plus (CCP) courses are provided by content-area instructors who have received ODE-mandated gifted professional development.
Gifted Identification Notice
The Perkins Local School District is in compliance with the Ohio Department of Education’s criteria for gifted identification. This plan identifies students in the areas of Superior Cognitive Ability, Specific Academic Ability in Math and Reading, Creative Thinking Ability, and Visual Arts Ability.
Written Education Plans (WEPs)
In accordance with the ODE Gifted Operating Standards for Identifying and Serving Gifted Students, services will be guided by WEPs. All gifted services shall be based on the students’ areas of identification, with individual needs guided by WEPs.
Written Acceleration Plans (WAPS)
Students who have met the objective criteria for whole-grade or subject acceleration will be provided with WAPs during year one of their acceleration, as indicated by the ODE.
Enrichment Opportunities Facilitated by Gifted Teacher(s)
Power of the Pen, Academic Challenge