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Dual Sport Policy

Perkins High School
Dual Sports Participation Procedures and Policies

In order for a student to qualify for dual participation he/she must meet the following criteria.

  1. Must have declared his/her intent in writing to the athletic director two weeks prior to the official beginning of the earliest season.
  2. Must have parental permission in writing.
  3. Must have written acknowledgement of agreement from both coaches.
  4. Must have the authorization of the athletic director before the season begins.
  5. Must not participate in more than two sports in the same season.
  6. Must declare, in writing, which sport will take precedence in the event of a conflict. (declare a priority sport)
  7. Must maintain a 2.0 GPA in the nine weeks prior to the season of participation.

The process operates in the following manner:

  1. The student will obtain all information and procedures from the athletic office. Applications must be returned to the office two weeks prior to the start of the earliest season. It will be the student’s responsibility to have all forms completed by the deadline.
  2. Within one week of the athlete handing in the request form, the athletic director will meet with the two head coaches, the athlete involved and the parents of the athlete. From this meeting, a written contract stating the practice and game schedule for the upcoming season shall be drawn-up and signed by both coaches, the athlete, the athlete’s parents /guardians, and the athletic director of Perkins High School, with copies going to each.
  3. Should a disagreement enuse between coaches over an athlete’s participation, the two head coaches will meet before the athletic director who will serve as the mediator and his decision, if necessary, will be binding.
  4. If the athlete breaks his contract, he/she will forfeit any awards or recognition that would have been earned in the program neglected. If the athlete earns a letter in both sports, he /she will be awarded a letter in each.

The contract below must be download, completed, and signed by the student-athlete and his/her parent/guardian, and returned to the Perkins High School Athletics Department.

Dual-Sports Participation Contract