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Todd Boggs Rehired As Superintendent

Todd Boggs Rehired As Superintendent

Perkins Local School Superintendent Todd Boggs will be with the district for another year. 

The Perkins Board of Education on Wednesday, July 12, voted 4-0 to rehire Mr. Boggs on a one-year contract. Mr. Boggs will retire on July 31. His new contract with Perkins Schools will take effect on August 2. By law, he must be away from the district for at least one day.

In June, the Board hosted a public hearing on the prospect of Mr. Boggs being rehired. 

“There was a lot of positive feedback on Mr. Boggs’ performance as superintendent,” said Board Vice President Ted Kastor. 

Mr. Boggs thanked the Board and told members that it was a “tremendous honor” to be rehired. 

“We have a lot of work to do,” Mr. Boggs said. “I have faith in my team.”

Mr. Boggs has been superintendent at Perkins Local Schools since August 2018. Prior to coming to Perkins, he was superintendent of East Canton Schools. He spent time in the Columbus area for 26 years teaching, coaching, and completing administrative licensure before his superintendent's appointments.

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